
Lies are essential for Left’s transition of America

The Response

To say that the Left lies is about as novel an idea as to say that fish defecate in the water. Only the self-deluded would argue the point. Only someone who keeps their eyes tightly shut would claim it helps them to see. Read More...

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The Leftist Language Paradoxes

Ricardo Lavariega

Many psychologists and linguists theorize that language plays a large role in your perception of reality. Phrases and words can be interpreted differently depending on the structure of the sentence and word choices. It is already well known that politicians carefully craft sentences with the goal to convince and gain support from individuals. The altering of language and modifying definitions of words has had a detrimental effect on culture and society in our country due to the manipulation involved.   Read More...

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How much will the defenders of liberty take from a Left hellbent on destroying America?

The Response

Image from The Nation
How far can the Left go before enough Americans yell ‘FOUL!’? Maybe you don’t like former Pres. Donald Trump’s mean Tweets, or whatever you call them now that Twitter is X. Does that justify the full-court attack the Left has launched against him ever since he came down an escalator in 2015?  Read More...

A riot, an insurrection and all those “mostly peaceful protest(s)” – it’s all about who controls the language

The Response

From the Tribune-Review
I swear, when I was watching the ‘news’ coverage Jan. 6, 2021, of the riot at the Capitol, I saw an old man with a walker going through the Capitol building. I’ve since seen video of Capitol Police holding doors and waving people inside. Remember Jake Angeli, the kinda crazy guy with the buffalo headgear, who was inside the Capitol that day? I’ve since seen a photo taken that day where he and Capitol Police are in the halls of the Capitol posing and smiling for the photo. Yet, we’re told that this was an insurrection.  Read More...

Rep. Kevin Kiley Unveils Gov. Newsom

For those of you who watched the epic debate between Governors Desantis and Newsom: Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) stripped the veil from Newsom's lies in a beautifully researched and presented speech to congress.

For a complete transcript of his remarks, please click Here.

Here is the video:

"Authentic" - Word of the Year

Higher Incidence of COVID-19 Found Among Consistent Mask-Wearers: Study

Some mask wearers were found to have up to 40 percent higher incidence of infection, contradicting earlier studies and opposing the narrative of mask mandates.

By Naveen Athrappully
The Epoc Times
Updated: 11/30/2023

People who wore protective masks were found to be more likely to contract COVID-19 infections than those who didn't, according to a recent Norwegian study.

The peer-reviewed study, published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection on Nov. 13, analyzed mask use among 3,209 individuals (Read full article...)

"Authentic" - Word of the Year

“Authentic” may be the word of the year because people crave it over Leftist lies

The Response

Every year, about this time, we all find ourselves on the edge of our seats waiting to hear Merriam-Webster tell us which word earned the honor of ‘The Word of the Year’ – the word, out of approximately 500,000 in the dictionary, that was looked up most frequently this year. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that I was waiting with bated breath for the announcement.

And the envelope, please: “AUTHENTIC!”

What does it say when climate activists push for panic?

The Response

Maybe they're right. Maybe, this time, we are in the 12-year stretch that will end all life on planet earth if we don't go carbon neutral in a big hurry. But has it occurred to you that the proponents of climate disaster are constantly screaming for panic? Why do they do that?

Psychreg.org has a page titled “The Psychology of Panic” that lists some of the effects of panic. It defines panic as “a sudden strong feeling of fear that prevents reasonable thought and action … (blocking) rational decision making.” Read More...

The Bat Brief And The China Factor

A Conspiracy Theory?

The Response

In 1993, Warner Bros produced a movie based on a John Grisham novel titled The Pelican Brief. In the movie, Julia Roberts plays a college student who writes a paper based on a conspiracy theory that turns out to be dangerously close to reality. The title of this piece is based on that same scenario, though hopefully not leading to the cat-and-mouse and deadly intrigue portrayed in the movie.

So, what is my “conspiracy theory,” which I refer to as ‘The Bat Brief?’ Read More...

Anti-Israel Campaign Active

The Arab Lobby and indoctrination – long-term effort to undermine U.S.-Israeli relationship

The Response

One of the historical bulwarks of Israel’s ability to withstand ceaseless attacks from her neighbors, whether those attacks involved sophisticated national armed forces or terrorists’ assaults, is Israel’s relationship with the United States. That represents a strength and a potential weakness. Read More...

Making School Board Criticism A Crime

For those who still doubt the threats to free speech (and other rights) in America today, check this out.

Thanks to The CollegeFix.com, we now know a California state representative has introduced a bill titled "the 'School Employees: Protection' act". That legislation would make it a crime for parents to criticize school board members. Read More...

Illinoisans Running For The Hills

Illinois Tops List of States Americans Left in 2022: Report
Republished from the Epoch Times

For the fourth year in a row, Illinois has topped the list of states from which Americans are fleeing in droves, according to a new report from moving company Allied Van Lines. Read Article...

More Hypocrisy and Bias...

Bad Journalism on display from Tribune reporter covering Donald Trump Jr. event in Addison

Opinion from RICH ROSTRON
The Response

Photo Courtesy of Mark Vargas, Illinois Review Donald Trump Jr. conducts a press conference with the media at the event in Addison Friday. Chicago Tribune reporter Rick Pearson is at right holding his phone out to record the president's son's answers. Pearson's dislike for Donald Trump Jr. was palpable in Pearson's tone of voice and borne out in his coverage of the event.
Shortly after I arrived at the McHenry County GOPac event in Addison featuring Donald Trump Jr. Friday, I came upon an ABC Channel 7 reporter and cameraman, and Chicago Tribune reporter Rick Pearson interviewing former Illinois Gubernatorial and current 12th Congressional District candidate Darren Bailey. What I noticed, particularly from Pearson, was what I can only describe as an aggressive and unprofessional animosity. Read More...

Biden's Iranian Connection

In midst of Hamas attacks, Biden admin has troubling Iranian Connection

The Response

As Hamas attacks Israel, and Israel responds, the Biden administration has conducted a full-court press to defend itself after releasing $6 billion in previously frozen funds to Iran. The Biden defense is twofold.

First, Biden claims the money given to Iran can only be used for humanitarian purposes and that Qatar will supervise the dispersal of funds accordingly. Second, the Biden administration claims Iran had nothing to do with Hamas’ attack on Israel. Read More...

Healthcare is not an inalienable right and why the idea is dangerous

The Response

During the Obama administration, when he was pushing Obamacare, a name for his ‘Affordable Care Act’ that he liked or disliked, depending on which way the political winds were blowing at any given moment, the notion was put forth, CONSTANTLY, that health care is a right. There are some who were convinced by the argument. Others, no doubt, knew better but pushed the idea anyhow.

Why bring this up now?

"The Big Lie" IS The Big Lie

Trump-attack overkill exposes “The Big Lie” as the actual big lie

The Response

The Left, Democrats, the Legacy Media, Biden and the injustice system in America are telling us that Donald Trump deserves …
  • 4 Indictments
  • 91 Charges
  • 771 Years in Prison
And these are the same people we can trust to tell us that our elections are fair and honest? Read More...

Extreme Maga On Parade!

DNC’s Milwaukee debate ad flaunts the truth about who is actually “extreme”

The Response

During the Republican Presidential Primary Debates in Milwaukee Wednesday night (Aug. 8), it was reported that the Democrat National Committee booked a plane to fly over the city towing a banner that read, “GOP 2024: A Race for the Extreme MAGA Base.” This has been a common theme from the Left and from Pres. Joe Biden. It’s also a lie.

The chance that some would accept the concept of MAGA as “extreme” probably has more to do with Pres. Donald Trump’s demeanor, which is essentially to say the way that he responds to those who attack him, than reality. Are the policies of his administration from 2017 to 2021 “extreme?” Are those referred to as MAGA supporters “extreme?” What is the standard by which they are judged? Read More...

The Racket is charging Trump and supporters with Racketeering

Physician, Heal Thyself!

The Response

In writing this article, I thought I would start by looking up the peculiar timeline of events yesterday where the indictment of former Pres. Donald Trump for “racketeering” were posted in the Fulton County Courthouse several hours before the grand jury actually handed down the decision. It’s as if the outcome was decided before the jury had a chance to rule on the decision to charge the former president. Read More

Editor's Note: This clearly-written piece delivers a rational understanding of the political chaos we are experiencing, and the danger therein - it states it so clearly.
   - Ken Nicholson, Rich Rostron, Patricia Kraft

"Happy Indictment Day!"

In a Deep Blue State, Recoiling from the Celebrations
Courtesy of Outspoken With Dr Naomi Wolf
AUG 4,2023

I am in a deep blue small town in a deep blue state, here on the West Coast.

The natives are jubilant today.

“Happy Indictment Day!” shouted the neighbor of my host, as my host and I sat out on a balcony. The man was certain that everyone who was in earshot of his joyous shout, agreed with his sentiments. Read More...

Sound of Freedom Breaks the Sound Barrier

Exposes Reality of Child Sex Trafficking

The Response

The theater was packed. None of us knew quite what to expect. None of us were prepared for what we were about to receive. Read More...

Real Estate Market Report Summer 2023

By Ricardo Lavariega

Since the buying spree in the second half of 2020, the real estate market has seen big ups and downs in home sales, interest rates, inventory and prices. To get a better idea of how the real estate market is behaving, let’s compare data for the first half of the year with the previous year at all levels of the market. Read More...

Leadership Today in the United States

The Response
August 1st, 2023

Throughout American history there have been many presidents who have led this country to prosperity and there have been presidents who have led the country to chaos. If one has proven incompetency throughout his political career, why elect that person to lead, not only the country in which we live, but the last stand for freedom on planet Earth. Leadership and order are necessary if we care even the slightest bit about preserving freedom. Today, our “leader” is leading us... like sheep to the slaughter. Read More...

Destigmatizing "Pedophilia" Is Inexcusable

The Response

Click for Breitbart Article
She’s working on her Phd as a social worker or psychiatrist, I forget which, and the premise she made was that we need to “destigmatize pedophilia” so that those with pedophilic tendencies will seek help rather than harm children.

She gave the example of some guy who she referred to as the king or granddad of pedophiles. The story she shared was that this individual sought help first. He claims that he went to a psychiatrist and, when he told the shrink that he was sexually attracted to children, the psychiatrist refused to work with him. Having been rejected by the psychiatric profession, he apparently went about molesting children until he ‘earned’ the aforementioned title. Read More...

No Cash Bail - Coming Here Sept. 18

By IL State Senator Craig Wilcox
July 24, 2023

On July 18, the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the highly controversial SAFE-T Act. Despite strong opposition from law enforcement and state’s attorneys across the state, the court issued a split 5-2 decision along party lines in favor of the no-cash bail provisions found within the law. Click here to read the ruling.

In its ruling, the Supreme Court is giving SAFE-T Ruling counties 60 days to implement the law, which will take effect statewide beginning Monday, Sept. 18. Read More...

Democrat Whistleblower Hypocrisy Bolsters Validity Of Accusations

The Response

I watched enough of the House Biden Whistleblower Hearing to notice that the Democrat’s response has nothing to do with the accusations the whistleblowers have levied against the Bidens and the bureaucracy. Instead of questioning the whistleblowers, when it’s their turn to talk, Democrats bloviated with attacks against Republicans who dare holding the hearings in the first place.

This is a peculiar approach considering their prior Leftist demand that all whistleblowers be respected and that their testimony be treated as valid. Read More....

The American School Board, An Ethics Free Zone

The Response

It was late January 2022. Seven of us gathered at a local restaurant to discuss issues facing our school district. COVID was on the decline, and despite a Supreme Court ruling that masking was unconstitutional without a state of emergency, our district continued to mask and quarantine children. My experience since that day has been both remarkable and appalling. Read More...

LGB (etcetera) Push Is A Threat To Liberty

The Response

Referring to members of the LGB(etcetera) community without including all the latest additions to that abbreviated title is almost certainly something the Left will call out as “discriminatory homophobia and transphobic,” along with an assortment of other phobias they’re likely to throw at me. Of course, in my defense, I would point out that no one has a right to demand that I keep up with this ever-growing acronym.

The keyword above, however, is “discriminatory.” The word “discriminatory” is the Left’s Kryptonite that paralyzes the rationale for liberty and replaces it with a toxic alternative that the Left likes to pretend is the same. In fact, the Left does a lot more than pretend. They coerce, threaten, intimidate and indoctrinate to wipe the naysayers from the surface of public discourse.

A judge just ruled today that the Biden administration has committed possibly the most heinous crime of infringing on free speech in American history. The administration did so by colluding with Big Tech social media companies to censor speech on their platforms. Read More...

Rostron SpeaksTo McHenry County Board 06/20/2023

Response editor speaks out against abrasive new June LGBTQ Proclamation and the way it was passed

When McHenry County Response Executive Editor Rich Rostron saw the podcast of the May 16, 2023, McHenry County Board Meeting he was not impressed. Board Member Lou Ness had tried to push an expanded June LGBTQ Proclamation through committee and was turned down. Failing in that effort, she was livid, and decided on a strategy that circumvented proper procedures. Read More...

Left’s disinformation campaign stole 2020 election

Media, Big Tech Democrats and Bureaucracy are co-conspirators

The Response

Are we serious people anymore? Certainly, we once were. We were serious enough to build the most powerful nation the world has ever seen, as well as the most benevolent nation ever. But it’s difficult to say that we’re serious about much of anything anymore. And the interview between Brett Baier, the anchor and editor of Fox News Channel’s Special Report, and David Priess, a former CIA officer, and one of the 51 intelligence agents who signed a letter in October of 2020 stating that the Hunter Biden laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” is a stark example of how lacking we are today as a serious nation. Read More...

From Big Tech coordination to ESG, feds are finding back door for stomping on free speech

The Response

The media has largely ignored the story, but that is not a measure of its importance; in the 2020 election, we now know that the FBI and other agencies in the federal bureaucracy worked with Twitter to stifle and/or shutdown conservative speech and stories that would benefit Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

This is not hyperbole. It happened. When Elon Musk purchased Twitter, emails proving this happened were shared with the world. Though we haven’t seen the emails regarding the same kind of coordination with other social media sources, there is no reason to assume the same thing didn’t happen with Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube and other social media sites. This is a big story! IT’S GIGANTIC!!! Read More...