

By: Stephen McKenzie

I am perplexed and unhappy, at the state of the world...
I'm confused by the signals, that society sends!
I'm taken aback, by the insults hurled, and the animosity - that never ends!

The concern over color...
The left and right...
Pitting brother against brother,
And instigating a fight.

Lies vs truth, and fake vs real news...
Virtue signaling, by the rich and elite...
Uneducated personal views -
Violence and destruction, and death in the street!

Talk, talk, talk - and very little action...
While prices rise, and freedom dies.
I, myself - get little satisfaction...
And all I hear, are "Poor me!" cries!

Social media - is a battleground...
"Likes and shares" - worth more than respect!
Worthless memes, now totally abound -
And my honesty, the grounds - to restrict and disconnect.

A STRANGE world, it has become...
And even stranger people, have taken control.
It seems the clueless, and downright dumb - have made a deal, and sold their soul.

Money is "king"- and life is worthless...
Not even babies, are protected in the womb!
Jokes are political, and comedians are mirthless,
And those with the power, quiet as the tomb.

Propaganda spreads faster, than a wildfire blaze...
And Fact-check CAN'T, get the facts straight!
The campus clueless, walk around in a daze,
then join the radicals, perpetuating "Hate"!

The police - defunded, and crime on the rise...
While a president calls for more gun control!
Legal gun owners, AREN'T the problem - SURPRISE!

Sexual deviance - now gets a "parade" -
And I'm a "bigot", if I disagree!
And those behind this latest charade?
Live lives of perversion, and debauchery!

We're told to trust our most threatening foes...
That the virus WASN'T purposely released!
We're kept in the dark - as to where our money goes...
And votes keep coming, from the dead and deceased!

Bad guys are good - and good guys are bad...
Thugs are "heros"- and martyred in death!
What's going on - should make ALL of us mad,
And I could keep on talking, till I'm out of breath...

But it solves NOTHING, and the world gets stranger!
Stupidity rules, and the border, ignored!
In fact - stupidity, is the REAL DANGER!
And with calling it out, I have grown bored.

Somewhere, is a child - with a crackhead for a father....
A stripper, for a mother(and on this- no debates)
You may ask me: "Why do you bother?"
Because her grandpa's -
THE PRESIDENT, of these United States!!!!

Stranger than fiction - yes, I get it...
But true nonetheless, of this 2 yr old girl.
Don't like my truths? Hey, don't sweat it...
Truth is sometimes hard to swallow - and makes LIARS hurl!

When your job, your rights, and your guns - are taken...
And you're forced to "vaccinate", or wear a mask...
You may wish to admit - that you were mistaken - and DIDN'T ask the question, that you should ask: