
Progressive Anti-Semitism on Display: Israeli Iron Dome


Israel’s “Iron Dome” is a proven US-designed anti-rocket defensive system that cannot be used to attack. It protects our ally Israel from the missiles frequently fired into the country from neighboring territory, particularly the Gaza Strip (Palestine).

Yet nine members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted against funding for it.

Leadership against the Iron Dome support came from four Congresswomen known as ‘The Squad.’ The Squad includes Reps Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). Of these, Omar, Tlaib and Pressley voted against the funding. Ocasio-Cortez and Hank Johnson (D-GA) voted ‘Present.’ Thomas Massie (R-KY) also voted against the funding.

The bill passed 420-9. But that was after they separated the Iron Dome funding from a bill to raise the debt limit. That separation was required because Republicans could not vote for the debt ceiling increase.

The Republican who voted against the funding indicated that he did so strictly on a fiscal basis. However, many have characterized the opposition to the funding by Democrats as indicative of an antisemitism among members of The Squad and others.

During discussion about the measure, Tliab said, “We cannot … be talking only about Israelis’ need for safety at a time when Palestinians are living under a violent apartheid system.”

Fellow Democrat Ted Deutch of Florida objected strenuously to Tlaib’s language. “I cannot allow one of my collegues to stand on the floor of the House of Representatives and label the Jewish democratic state of Israel an apartheid state,” he said.

Republican Massie, who voted against the funding, was quoted in a Daily Caller story as saying, “My position on ‘no foreign aid’ might sound extreme to some, but I think it’s extreme to bankrupt our country and put future generations of Americans in hock to our creditors.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was quoted in the same story as saying, “Democrats just pulled funding from the Iron Dome – the missile defense system that has saved countless lives in Israel from Hamas’ rocket attacks. While Dems capitulate to antisemitic influence of their radical members, Republicans will always stand with Israel.”

On Friday morning, FOX News reported that it appeared AOC was “consoled by fellow members on the House floor Thursday after the effort to stop funding for Israel’s Iron Dome failed. The story indicated that AOC was huddling with Democrat allies and, along with crying, was speaking in an animated fashion.