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01/10/2023 - The Response - A Conservative's View

We Are The Response To A Left-Biased Media
Over 100 thoughtful articles from a moderate-to-conservative perspective...

Race Wars, Deviant Sex Ed, and Gun Grabs...Oh My!

By Karen Tirio - Chairwoman, McGOPAC

You can't control violence by taking a single form of weaponry from citizens. The violent actor will just find another means of carrying out violence. Meanwhile Democrats are willing to take away the rights of law-abiding citizens, including the ability to protect themselves, while most government officials are given the green light to carry, and/or hire private armed security. That's the epitome of Government Manufactured Disparity - giving violent offenders a leg up!

Democrats have taken their War on Women to new heights - first they took away actual females' lifelong dreams of sport competition and scholarships, then they took names like 'Mother' and 'Woman' away, Hell, a new Democrat Supreme Court Justice can't even DEFINE the term "woman", and she is one! Read More...

Biden’s “border visit” as fake as thinking a resort is real Mexico

The Response

I knew someone who went with his wife to Puerto Vallarta for their honeymoon. My friend is one of those people who enjoys listing the states and countries he’s been to but, even after spending a week in the resort city, he doesn’t count Mexico on his list of countries he’s seen.

The problem is, as he explained it, that he struggled for the first five days to convince his wife to go exploring but she never wanted to leave the all-inclusive resort or the beach. It was only on Thursday that he finally convinced her to go into town (this was 20 years ago and things were a bit safer down there then). Read More...

2A Constitutional Training Day by MCGOPAC

By Karen Tirio

In light of the egregious gun grabbing bills IL HB5855 and IL SB2226, McHenry County GOPAC pulled together a '2nd Amendment Constitutional Training Day' on short notice at the Woodstock VFW where 49 people gathered for the all-day Saturday training. The 15./ticket included Training, Digital Workbook, Certificate of Completion, Speakers, Morning doughnuts, Pizza Lunch and Give-Aways of over 500!

The Certified Constitutional Coaches facilitating the training were: Ken Neilsen (18 year Lt. for McHenry County Sheriff's Departmentt) and wife, Tara Neilsen, of Moms for America. Both sit on the Constitutional Committee of McGOPAC.

Speakers were featured during the lunch break: Joe Tirio, Patrick Kenneally, Tony Colatorti and Mike Shorten.
Attendees came from McHenry, Lake, Cook and DeKalb Counties, and one from Wisconsin.
Ages represented were pre-teen thru senior citizen.

HB5855 - More Gun Control?

You Can Take Action, Actually Make A Difference
By The Response Staff

The Current Situation:
The lame duck Illinois General Assembly will soon probably take up the Protect Illinois Communities Act (HB5855). In short, the bill would make it illegal to purchase or possess almost all semi-automatic long guns, and any magazines with capacity over 10 rounds. It also raises the FOID card minimum age to 21 (18 with parental permission).

As written, the bill would go into effect immediately with the governor's signature. From that day, citizens currently owning banned weapons will have 300 days to divest them, or be guilty of violation. Thousands of law-abiding citizens who choose to keep their property would be guilty of criminal activity. Read More...

Yes, LGBTQ+ Does Hurt!

The Response

I just posted the following comment on the bottom of a story on FOXNews about the split in the United Methodist Church over conservative vs WOKE philosophies. Apparently, some of the conservative churches are seeking to go their own way and they’re not being allowed to do so.

All this LGBTQ+ crap misses the point. You want tolerance? Fine. But the reality is that, if we can have a show of hands, no one – NO ONE – owes their existence to anything other than heterosexuality. In other words, LGBTQ+ has zero contribution to the world by comparison. Even when some LGBTQ+ person does something worthy or significant, they were only in a position to do so because of heterosexuality in the first place – PERIOD! It means that we owe greater respect, and support, for heterosexuality.