
Are you hypnotized by "the Science?"

By Rich Rostron

"Follow the Science! Follow the Science! Follow the Science!"

We hear it with such consistency these days it's as though the words are spoken by a hypnotist trying to put us under a spell.

We hear these words from the politicians, from the media, from Little Lord Fauci (who describes himself as "science") and we hear it from our neighbors, friends and family members. The latter three, most likely, firmly believe it when they utter these hypnotic words. The three prior to that … well, it's questionable that they actually believe rather than that they're simply using it for their own ends.

We could probably characterize the prior three as the hypnotists and the latter three groups as the hypnotized.

This isn't to say that the COVID-19 pandemic hasn't justified measures to protect people from the illness and its effects. It also isn't to say that science shouldn't be considered as we strive to lessen those effects. But there's a difference between considering the science with your eyes open and 'following the science' as though it's found in words etched by nature in rock in the middle of the Thames.

Over the centuries, we've seen a struggle between science and religion. Is it possible that this is an extension of that struggle? There's a peculiar similarity to consider.

With the Christian faith, there was a time when we needed to take the words in the Bible literally on faith. But that faith wasn't in the Bible; it was in the priests who told 'the people' what the Bible said.

This is why Martin Luther's 95 Theses caused such an uproar. It wasn't just that he wrote down words that challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church; he wrote them down at a time when Guttenberg and his press had provided a means for mass producing copies of Luther's words. The press was the kindling and Luther's words were the spark that ignited The Reformation.

The Catholic Church recognized the threat posed by Guttenberg's press. It challenged their monopoly on interpreting the words of the Bible. With mass publication came a rapid increase in literacy. People could read the Bible and decide what was meant for themselves. Now, the public faith in science has proven a threat to religion in general. But what has really changed?

In a sense, the change is that we've gone back to the days before the printing press. We now depend on 'scientists' to tell us what science to follow. Until everyone has a pocket laboratory, and the skills to use it, we're at the mercy of scientists to interpret "the Science."

The question is how much trust should we extend to, not 'the Science' but to the scientists? They are people. They're fallible. They're driven by the same emotions as the rest of us.

To 'Follow the Science' is a flawed notion on the face of it. True science doesn't work that way. Scientists know that they must always challenge their hypothesis. That's how they sort out the wheat from the chaff.

Instead, while were told to 'Follow the Science,' we've watched many who have told us to do so, who have created lockdowns and mandates based on 'following the Science,' violate their own mandates. We've heard the Legacy Media mock those who suggested the pandemic may have started in the Wuhan Laboratory only to find out that the theory is almost certainly true.

We heard Dr. Fauci taunt Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) for daring to suggest that the National Institute of Health used taxpayer dollars for "gain-of-function research" in the Wuhan Lab only to discover that Paul was correct though Fauci continues to deny it.

The truth is that we are incapable of 'Following the Science.' The best we can ever do is to 'follow the scientists' and the politicians and media that seem to swim in the same tainted petri dish. Or we can employ that tool handed down by our Forefathers and approach all we hear with a healthy dose of skepticism, and perhaps some down-to-earth research. Of course, if you do that, the hypnosis may not take.