
Our Republic Needs More Questions

by Rich Rostron

What conclusions can you draw from a lack of curiosity and what does this mean for America?

Imagine if someone broke into your house and stole something of considerable value. You would call the police. Then, the two of you would have a number of questions:
What would you think if your spouse showed no interest in any of these questions and only wanted to know the phone number for your insurance company? Would this raise an eyebrow or two - yours and the police officers?

Of course, it would. At some point, even you will want to call the insurance company and put in a claim for the loss. But your first hope is, almost certainly, to get the item back? Frankly, in the scenario described above, it's understandable if you began to suspect that your spouse had something to do with the loss. Maybe it wasn't a burglary at all. Maybe it's insurance fraud.

The point is that, when considering a situation, it's as important what someone doesn't ask as it is what they do ask. Applying this to America and its media today should, well, raise an eyebrow or two.

Think back to when Barack Obama was first elected president. Before taking office, he made the comment that he intended to "fundamentally transform America." If you look up the definition of 'fundamental,' you'll find the following: "... an essential component of a system or structure; central … Of great significance or entailing major change."

In other words, Obama was indicating his intention to radically change our country. Isn't that worthy of, at least, a modest amount of curiosity? And yet, do you recall even one reporter asking him, "What do you mean by that?" or "What changes are you planning?"

Haven't we gone from a lack of interest in critical questions to a demand that we don't ask such questions? In the last two years, there are two glaring examples of this, and by 'glaring,' I mean on a scale comparative to a direct hit on your retina by a solar flare:
In both cases, raising questions put you at serious risk of suspension or banishment by Big Tech social networks. In both cases, the media demonstrated a historic lack of interest in asking or answering those questions.

We now know that Dr. Fauci and other 'leading' virologists knew much more about the origins of the virus from the beginning and coordinated their responses. Any questions raised about the validity of the 2020 election were shouted down as fomenting "The Big Lie." Anyone raising those questions was said to represent a "threat to democracy."

A good question to ask to both matters is, 'Why?' Why would they want to hide the origin of the virus? Why would questioning the outcome of the 2020 election represent 'a threat to democracy?' Isn't democracy best defended by a fearless pursuit of the truth and, from the Left's perspective, proving that Biden won fairly, wouldn't that represent a tremendous boost to put doubts about the election to rest while moving their agenda along?

We don't need to ask fewer questions; we need to ask more. And one question we need to ask is, 'Why does the Left and their media lapdogs have such a lack of interest in key questions? And what does this mean for America going forward?'