Articles Posted Before 2022
Are you hypnotized by "the Science?"
By Rich Rostron12/28/2021
"Follow the Science!" "Follow the Science!" "Follow the Science!"
We hear it with such consistency these days it's as though the words are spoken by a hypnotist trying to put us under a spell.
We hear these words from the politicians, from the media, from Little Lord Fauci (who describes himself as "science") and we hear it from our neighbors, friends and family members. The latter three, most likely, firmly believe it when they utter these hypnotic words. The three prior to that … well, it's questionable that they actually believe rather than that they're simply using it for their own ends.
We could probably characterize the prior three as the hypnotists and the latter three groups as the hypnotized. Read More...
Biden keeps passing the buck as he endlessly assigns blame
by Rich Rostron12/18/2021
President Harry Truman"
The walls are crashing in on Biden, and America, from every direction. Yet, somehow, he’s not to blame for any of the calamities whirling around his administration. Consider his response to the following crisis:
The Botched Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Biden has blamed former President Donald Trump, the Afghan Army, Afghan leaders and the U.S. military. He’s also blamed Americans who didn’t take the ‘subtle hint’ and get out of the country earlier.
In the meantime, Biden has claimed that he was always against the war, completely ignoring the fact that, in 2001, he voted in favor of the war. Read More...
Rokita calls on Biden administration to apologize for targeting parents at school board meetings
By Margaret Menge | The Center Square contributor
Oct 25, 2021
Todd Rokita speaks during a news conference outside of the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis.
Darron Cummings / AP file photo
The Biden administration, Rokita pointed out today in a press release, "has still not apologized for its own threat against parents."
"Most Hoosier educators are no doubt as appalled as anyone by Joe Biden's anti-parent bias," Rokita said in the statement Monday. "Now is a time for Hoosiers to unite." Read More....
Federal government's annual deficit keeps growing
By TIM BECKMcHenry County Response
The books are closed for the federal government's fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, 2021. The Treasury Department announced the deficit for the year was $2.8 trillion. The "good news" is that this amount (the second highest in history) is down $360 billion from the deficit for the previous year.
So, what's behind the numbers? Obviously, much of the deficit in both years can be attributed to "pandemic" spending by the federal government. This included the Paycheck Protection Program, the Employee Retention Credit, enhanced unemployment benefits, and a host of other new spending programs.
Sex Ed - Explicit Doesn’t Equal Educated
By Illinois Senator Dave Syverson12/8/2021
Senator Dave Syverson
Senate Bill 818, signed into law by Governor JB Pritzker, contained multiple contentious provisions. Under its new standards, kindergarten students will be taught about consent, second-grade students will be taught to define reproduction and gender identity, and fifth-graders will be taught about hormone blockers and be required to explain different sexual orientations.
Explicit doesn’t equal educated.
Biden's weakness proves we learned nothing from attack on Pearl Harbor
By RICH ROSTRONMcHenry County Response
80 years ago today, Americans woke to a new day as though it was any other Sunday. They went about their business with no idea of what was in store for them. But this was no ordinary day. This was a day that would change their lives forever.
Just before 8 a.m. in Oahu, bombs began to fall, torpedoes splashed into the water and machine guns began to rattle. And men began to die. This was the moment that plunged America into a world war that would take 418,000 American lives as it utterly disrupted the lives of all Americans.
The Japanese attacked because they misjudged Americans. They described Americans as soft and unwilling to withstand the rigors and violence of war. The impression of weakness was a tempting treat the Imperial Japanese couldn't resist as they eyed the world with visions of conquest and domination. Read More...
"...a date which will live in infamy..."
CRT - Courageous Parent (Ian Rice) Takes on Michigan School Board
CRT - Courageous Parent (Ian Rice) Takes on Michigan School Board
Will federal judges toss 2nd legislative map?
By Illinois State Senator Craig Wilcox12/6/2021
Hearing set for this week in case against Illinois Democrats’ legislative maps
A three-judge federal court panel will begin hearing oral arguments on Tuesday, Dec. 7 in the McConchie v. Illinois State Board of Elections case, which argues that Illinois Democrats’ legislative redistricting maps violate the U.S. Constitution and the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965.
The plaintiffs, Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie and House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, along with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), say that the maps signed by Gov. Pritzker in September underrepresent minority groups. Despite the growth in the Latino population in Illinois, the September maps actually reduce the number of districts in which Latinos make up a majority of the voting age population. Read More...
Now 2-Parent Families Are Racist, Too
By Kendall QuallsFirst published 10/13/2021
Published here 12/3/21 by permission
A leftist group is pushing the theory that the two-parent home represents 'family privilege' and creates barriers to equal opportunity, when in reality such families are proven to be better for kids.
Despite its name, the National Council on Family Relations is looking to destroy American families. It claims that the nuclear family - consisting of father, mother, and children - is merely an extension of white supremacy. NCFR has joined with critical race theorists and Black Lives Matter in this outright attack on the foundational values and norms of American culture. Read More...
How will the arbitrary nature of 'justice' work out with Jussie and Ghislaine?
By Rich Rostron12/2/2021
It's anybody's guess.
Take comfort - justice will be served. As the Kyle Rittenhouse criminal trial fades into the past (related civil cases likely pending), we have new trials of notoriety to share the media's appetite for outrage and Leftist activism. No, the Rittenhouse trial didn't work out well for the media, though it clearly achieved far more justice than NBC, CNN or other network executives appreciated.
Now in the spotlight are the Jussie 'You-can-take-the-rope-off-now' Smollett trial and the Ghislaine 'I'm-the-victim' Maxwell trial. Should we doubt that, in either case, justice will not be served? Read More...
Media Bias off the scale with (lack of) coverage of Waukesha massacre
By Rich Rostron12/1/21
"Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into a treatment program, who's going to go out and kill somebody? You bet. Guaranteed. It's guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach."
2007 comment by John Chisholm, Milwaukee County District Attorney
Does the Milwaukee County District Attorney who expressed these sentiments in 2007 feel any remorse now that a man with a long criminal rap sheet, who tried to run over the mother of his own child, and who was released on a ridiculously low bail after that incident, intentionally drove his SUV at high speed through a Christmas parade, killing at least six and injuring 47?
This DA proudly takes credit for the policy embraced by other Democrat DAs around the country: setting bail absurdly low for those charged with violent crimes so they can almost always walk. Read more...
Government Healthcare - Not the Solution
By Rich Rostron11/30/2021
Government healthcare degrades the dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship.
"You're late."
Those are words you might expect to hear from your boss or maybe your spouse. But should you hear them from your doctor? It poses the question of whom is working for whom? It also raises some questions about the idea of government involvement in healthcare, as well as the role of insurance companies.
As it turns out, I'm just old enough to remember doctors carrying their little-black doctor's bags. That's because I'm old enough to remember doctors making house calls. The doctor would sit on the edge of my bed and examine me up until I was about 7. I say '7' because that's when everything changed in the medical world.
My Generation is Blind to the Prosperity Around Us!
By Alyssa AhlgrenPosted with permission of Alyssa Ahlgren
I’m sitting in a small coffee ship near Nokomis (Florida) trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of presidential candidates calling for policies to “fix” the so-called injustices of capitalism. I put my phone down and continue to look around.
I see people talking freely, working on their MacBooks, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me; we live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we’ve become completely blind to it. ” read more...
Rittenhouse: The Left Made This Happen
By Rich Rostron11/16/2021
The Left bears the greatest burden of guilt no matter how the Rittenhouse jury rules.
From the other room, I hear the prosecution's closing arguments in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial (by the time you read this, the jury will likely have made its decision). If you listened to the case of the prosecution as a stand-alone argument, you might convict Rittenhouse. But, of course, the defense will present a counter argument and, from what I've seen so far, they have a very convincing case for acquittal.
But the greatest burden of guilt lies elsewhere. Read More
CRT Is Here, in Mchenry County Schools
By Rich Rostron11/12/2021
School boards across the country are denying that they are pushing Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their schools, yet the evidence is irrefutable, and it's all around us.
Nov. 2, elections around the country provided a harsh rebuke for Democrats based on their handling of the economy, including inflation and cargo ships backing up unloaded off our shores, the Southern border and illegal immigration, the grossly mishandled withdrawal from Afghanistan and more. One of the chief issues driving voters at the polls, however, was the way public schools are pushing Leftist policies.
The election of Republican Glenn Youngkin, the first statewide election of a republican in the state in more than a decade Read More...
Beware the Lower Drug Costs Now Act
Nov. 1, 2021By Tim Beck
The U.S. House of Representatives is currently deliberating on H.R. 3, The Lower Drug Costs Now Act. This legislation seeks to create an international pricing index and would give federal government bureaucrats the power to set an upper limit on drug prices equal to 1.2 times the cost of a drug's average price in six specified countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom).
The stated purpose of this legislation is to establish a fair price negotiation program, protect the Medicare program from excessive price increases, and establish an out-of-pocket maximum for Medicare Part D enrollees.
However, this is an ill-conceived bill that is nothing more than federal government price controls. Read more...
Pandemic Panic amid mask and vaccine schizophrenia
Oct. 29, 2021
McHenry County Response
Though President Joe Biden is now pushing mandates for the COVID-19 vaccine, before the 2020 election, then candidates Biden and Kamala Harris, said they wouldn’t trust the vaccine that President Donald Trump was instrumental in pushing through from development to implementation in record time.
In a Sept. 2020 CNN interview, Harris said, “… that’s gotta be an issue for all of us” when asked about taking the vaccine. She went on to claim that, under the Trump administration, scientists were “muzzled” and “suppressed.”
Biden was even more adamantly opposed to the vaccine. He said that, in order to trust gain his trust in the vaccine, at the time, “There has to be total transparency so scientists outside the government know exactly what is being approved.” Read more...
When Trannies Rape, WOKE folk feign sleep
Father arrested trying to confront school board about daughter’s assaultBy RICH ROSTRON, McHenry County Response
The DailyWire headline reads that “Loudoun County Schools Tried to Conceal Sexual Assault Against Daughter In Bathroom …” But truth be told, when the accused is transexual, the state of Virginia is on the side of the school district remaining mum.
The issue came to the forefront as parents protested at school board meetings against the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Scott Smith was among the parents at the June 22 Loundon County School Board meeting, but his concerns were more specific; a boy wearing a skirt went into a bathroom in the high school and raped and sodomized his daughter. Read more...
The Dangers In Bad Covid Reporting
By MCR Staff - 10/19/2021For most of two years, the media has kept the public fixated on COVID-19 statistics. How many people have COVID? How many are hospitalized? How many are vaccinated? How many have died of COVID? But are the statistics presented accurately? Do those presenting the figures have political motivations that affect the message?
What is consistent about the statistics Americans have received over the course of the last two years are the inconsistencies. Reports are often incomplete, ill-defined, or presented in a highly subjective tone. The result is that many who think themselves well informed on the subject are often misinformed. Read more...
Dems push socialism while sanctioning harassment of opponents
Biden says progressive bad behavior is “part of the process”
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) was followed into a bathroom by progressive activists, one of whom videoed the confrontation all the way until the senator closed the door to a stall behind her. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) was harassed by kayakers outside his D.C. residence.
They’re Democrats facing outrageous behavior from progressive activists because they dared to suggest that the Left’s $3.5 trillion socialist spending plan may prove a trillion or more too much.” read more...
September Snow comes to Woodstock Square
Click here for video...
(Video courtesy of Chloe Riley)
4,000 American may remain as hostages in Afghanistan
Milley, Chairman of Joint Chiefs, defends phone calls to Chinese and Dems
During questioning in front of the Senate Armed Forces Committee Tuesday, Sept. 28, Sec. Of Defense Llyod Austin said, “I personally don’t believe that there are 4,000 American citizens still left in Afghanistan, but I cannot confirm or deny that.”
Austin was responding to Sen. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) who had done the match and come up with that number. Inhofe pointed out that the State Department said the U.S. military had evacuated 6,000 Americans out of the 10,000 to 15,000 Americans they said were in Afghanistan at the time of the withdrawal. read more...
Biden trying to convince Americans that $3.5 trillion in spending is free
The Biden administration is trying a new tact for pushing its $3.5-trillion spending package through Congress; the administration is now trying to claim it won’t cost anything.
Monday, Sept. 27, Pres. Joe Biden Tweeted, “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars.”
After Democrats previously tried to claim that the bill is designed to be paid for, especially considering his additional comments in the Tweet:
“Instead of wasting money on tax breaks, loopholes, and tax evasion for big corporations and the wealthy, we can make a once-in-a-generation investment in working America.
“And it adds zero dollars to the national debt.” read more...
Radical Dems display Anti-Semitism with failed effort to defund Israeli Iron Dome
Funding for Israel’s defensive “Iron Dome” system met with opposition from nine members of the U.S. House of Representatives. The system protects Israelis from missiles frequently fired into the country from neighboring territory, particularly Palestine.Among those opposed to funding the Iron Dome were four Democrat Congresswomen known as ‘The Squad.’ The Squad includes Reps Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA). Of these, Omar, Tlaib and Pressley voted against the funding. Ocasio-Cortez and Hank Johnson (D-GA) voted ‘Present.’ Thomas Massie (R-KY) also voted against the funding.
Woodstock’s Ethereal Confections survives pandemic
That was during the pandemic. Prior to that, Ethereal Confections, the confectionary and more, was growing more...