
Saturday's "Radicals' War On Kids" Event A Success!

National speakers at all-day event in Crystal Lake: 'Exposing Radicals' War on Kids’

The Response

MCGOPAC, MOMS For America, National School Boards Leadership Council, and AM560 The Answer hosted an all-day event Saturday titled “Exposing Radicals’ War on Kids: Preparing for the Battle to Take Back Education in Illinois." Speakers included Alex Newman, Dr. Beth Meyers, Dr. Kelly Kohls, Dr. Aaron Schmidlin, Dr. Beth Meyers, Emily McNabb, Terry Newsome, Jaimee Michell, and headliner Charlie Kirk.

Kirk is the founder and president of Turning Point USA. Approximately 250 were on hand to hear the speakers share information about the Radicals' war on America using children as pawns, and inspiration about how to fight back.

Kirk warned that the Left “look at your child as a widget in an assembly line” – a widget they can control and manipulate.

He pointed out that the Left has worked until they have control of education during the most critical early stages of a child’s development. “K-6, that is the launching pad” for a child’s perception of the world. By gaining control of that period in a child’s education, the Left has ensured that children will grow up to see the world through a Leftist prism that includes socialism and Marxism.

Recent surveys show that an alarming number of young Americans today favor socialism. The Left has specifically avoided pointing out that this will involve putting the preponderance of power in the hands of the government, and changing citizens to subjects.

Kirk spoke of how far the Left has gone, including the point where children are taught to question their gender identity while hiding those discussions from their parents.

“If you’re allowing pornography in your classroom,” said Kirk, “I don’t care about your intentions. You’ve done something evil.”

Meyers provided what some might call a meat-and-potatoes expose on how the Left has taken over education in America. This includes information about Prof. Michael Apple and Paulo Freire, who sought to use the public education system to create a foundation of Marxists in our schools. Teachers today are still using Freire’s material in scripted lessons. And Apple is an activist for Critical Race Theory with a heavy influence in education today.

Meyers also spoke of education in universities and colleges. “What are college’s supposed to be?” she asked. “They’re supposed to be places to explore and share ideas.” But, instead, today they are institutions where students are often intimidated into not challenging the Left’s ideology.

Newman spoke of how the Left has worked for a long time to separate children from their parents. He spoke of the Trojan Horse of the Obama Administration that pushed its Common Core socialist leveling of education with the promise: “We (the government) will be equal partners in training your children.”

That partnership has already faded into the past as schools, teachers unions and the government have increasingly taken over.

With the Biden administration, teachers unions have told parents, “They (children) are not (your) children – they’re our children,” Newman said.

He also spoke of the Progressive (Socialist/Marxist) policies of Agenda 21. Then Pres. George HW Bush signed the U.N. Agenda 21 Treaty into law in America in 1992. Through Agenda 21, the U.N.’s push for a global curriculum is “integrated into every subject” in America’s schools. In fact, it is so pervasive that, even if parent’s convince a school board to abandon the policy, it is still built into the books and materials teachers use with their students.

Newman gave an example from Agenda 21, quoting curriculum for young children that reads, “The earth groans every time it registers another birth.” In other words, children are taught that they, by their very existence, are part of the problem.

He spoke of how California now has a mandatory “Gender Transition Plan” given to children which openly prompt consideration of whether they are ‘the right gender.’

The breadth of material covered in the one-day symposium was far too great to cover here.. And, even for those inclined to dismiss all this as “conspiracy theories,” there’s really no excuse to not look further into the issue of how we’re educating, or indoctrinating, our children. If the conspiracy theories are only partly correct, our future depends on it.