Rostron SpeaksTo McHenry County Board 06/20/2023
Response editor speaks out against abrasive new June LGBTQ Proclamation and the way it was passedWhen McHenry County Response Executive Editor Rich Rostron saw the podcast of the May 16, 2023, McHenry County Board Meeting he was not impressed. Board Member Lou Ness had tried to push an expanded June LGBTQ Proclamation through committee and was turned down. Failing in that effort, she was livid, and decided on a strategy that circumvented proper procedures.
In a tearful and highly inappropriate speech during the “Members’ Comments” portion of the Agenda, Ness apparently cowed members of the board into going along with her new version of the proclamation. In Rostron’s opinion, not only was this procedurally wrong, the new proclamation offered a one-sided condemnation of America while making points that fail to fully consider the human condition.
Rostron felt compelled to respond. Doing so, he wrote an article (Click here to read article)) and took to the podium during the “Public Comment” section of the June 20 County Board Meeting. To see Rostron’s response, click on the video below.
(NOTE: The Proclamation is ‘officially’ referred to as the “June Pride Month Proclamation” but The Response feels that meant something else long before it was improperly coopted in order to promote a portion of the Left’s agenda. The Response will adhere to the word’s original meaning).